How to support us

To encourage new medical research,

To improve the treatment and quality of life of people affected by Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and

To find a cure for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH),

For a sustainable action,

IFCAH needs your generosity, to accelerate research on all aspects of the disease

Funds raised will be exclusively and entirely used to finance research projects on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and you will be informed about the research projects that your generosity has contributed to.

Donations can be made

– by bank transfer to the IFCAH IBAN  FR 76 3000 4025 0300 0100 5248 587  BIC BNPAFRPPPOP

– by French check for “Fonds de dotation IFCAH” sent to IFCAH- Idoia Kriete, 12 Bd de la Madeleine, 75009, Paris France

Please leave us your contact/ information/e-mail to keep you informed about the financed research projects.